Playa Makers

Oasis 47 Ring Give Away 2022

Oasis 47 Ring Give Away, 2022 by Karen (Suki) Christians.

Originally this ring give away is held at the Oasis 47 Camp where there are pendant making workshops. The Ring Give Away is a laser cut sheet of rings which you can stick your finger in and twist off the ring. These were Gifted in 2022 at the Playa Installation Museum of No Spectators (MoNS).

Karen Christians wrote the book, Jewelry of Burning Man. The book features the amazing collection by Christine (Lady Bee) Kristen, Editor and head Archivist and Art Collection Curator for the Burning Man Project. Photos by George Post.

Maker: Karen Christians Playa Name: Suki Media: Wood
SKU: 10837 Category: Tags: , , , , , , ,


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