Playa Makers

Biography: Lofax Elifas

Lofax been creating gifts since 2014 the year of his first burn. Designer and historian, his pieces are reflecting deeply his interests.
Trying every year to extend the variety of the gifts he bring to the playa.
Lofax is also helping every year hundreds of burners, to make their ideas a reality. People are sending him sketches, and from their it’s a whole journey of creation, to reach at the end a final quality gift. In the last years he helped creating yearly, at no charge, more than 30 000 patches and thousands of pendants.

“Each smile that those gifts are creating, are somewhere, a smiles for me.”

From stickers to blankets, from Gold cuff bracelets to Led pocket watches, the range of his gifts embrace many mediums. Using every year the new technologies available, to make original pieces that are often a source of inspiration for other makers.
Don’t miss his Mutant Vehicle roaming the playa every night of the burn, him and his crew are gifting thousands of pieces randomly to burners.

His works have been featured in the Burning Man auction at Sotheby’s and various art galleries in California.
To see more of Lofax’s work click here.

Maker: Lofax Elifas
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