Playa Makers

Principles of Growing

Principles of Growing, 2024 Pendant by Joel (Sargent Pepper) Briggs.
This is a new line of laser cut sheet metal pendants.
Joel writes, “I offer you the Principles of Growing Pendant…
The “Principles of Growing” pendant was inspired by a sunset during BM 2023. I was riding OEM in deep playa with some old and new friends, and we stopped to witness the sunset engulf the whole city. The oranges, yellows, and red danced across the city until, eventually, everything was one by a gray. Then, once the sun slipped behind the mountain, the city popped alive with its colors and fire. Behind me, I could hear a discussion about the 10 Burning Man principles and the need for Consent to be added. A new burner joined the forum and asked how the 10 BM principles came about. It was an extraordinary 20 minutes of a group of Burners witnessing a beautiful sunset and old and new burners discussing and sharing their thoughts and beliefs about the 10 BM principles. From all of this, I knew I had a pendant.
The pendant is just over 2” in diameter and is fabricated from 16 gauge steel. It represents keeping life SIMPLE. The Man is surrounded by the city, representing Burners to live life to its fullest. To LIVE LOVE and PLAY with the flames of Burning Man. Be the sun above, or fire art on the playa. To dance in the shadows of its warmth both day and night. The 10 large flames represent the 10 BM principles and point outward to touch all. These flames are presented by seasoned burners. The 11 inner flames represent the new burner, with 10 BM principles being learned as with Consent. Eventually, the new burner will learn and become more with the giant flames to share with all. I call it “principles of growing,” an entire cycle of learning. The top and most enormous flame with the lanyard loop represents Consent*: Making it right for everyone in BRC. “

Joel (Sargent Pepper) Briggs is one of the Playas most prolific and artistic makers. Each year he pushes the his concepts past the boundaries in both in material and production methods. Joel also uses precious metals that at comes from his own mining claims! He produces some of the most unique pieces which are highly treasures by collectors. Joel is published in Karen (Suki) Christians, Christine (Lady Bee) Kristen book, Jewelry of Burning Man. p75.

Artifact courtesy of Playa Artifacts Museum (P.A.M.). Tod (TBone) Johnson, Curator.

Maker: Joel Briggs Playa Name: Sargent Pepper Burning Man 2024 Private Collection of Playa Artifacts Museum Media: Steel, Metal
SKU: 17431 Category: Tags: , ,


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