Playa Makers

Profiles in Dust, 2018

Profiles in Dust, 2018 Sticker by Ariel (Real) Benarroch.

JK from PID writes, “Profiles in Dust (PID) formed back in 2012 as a volunteer media team for Burning Man, originally covering profiles of artists on playa. PID has made over 50 mini-documentaries about Burning Man to date and releases them as gifts to the community. Each year, PID hands out at least one new sticker design and is also associated with the camp called “Kam Kru”, which hosts The Narwhal.”

Artifact courtesy of Playa Artifacts Museum (P.A.M.). Tod (TBone) Johnson, Curator.

Maker: Ariel Benarroch Playa Name: Real Burning Man 2018 Private Collection of Playa Artifacts Museum Media: Paper, Plastic
SKU: 15601 Category: Tags: , , , , , , ,


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