Playa Makers

Spiritus Animalis

Spiritus Animalis, 2023 pendant by Joel (Sargent Pepper) Briggs and Graphics by Cyan Samone.
This brass pendant was initially offered in the One-Eyed Monster Art Car fundraiser.

Joel (Sargent Pepper) Briggs is one of the Playas most prolific and artistic makers. Each year he pushes the his concepts past the boundaries in both in material and production methods. Joel also uses precious metals that at comes from his own mining claims! He produces some of the most unique pieces which are highly treasures by collectors.

Cyan Samone is a Graphic Designer and has produced many unique items in different medias from Patches to Stickers and now Pendants. She had made some of the most iconic artifacts treasured among collectors and burners alike.


Maker: Joel Briggs and Cyan Samone Playa Name: Sargent Pepper, Cyan Burning Man 2023 Private Collection of Joel (Sargent Pepper) Briggs Media: Metal, Casted
SKU: 12927 Category: Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,


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